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logo 25 Images production
Une équipe soudée
les qualités qui composent nos valeurs

Notre actualité

Video production

Video marketing is a powerful tool for promoting and communicating your business. With 25 Images Production, you can benefit from the creation and production of high-quality video content to help you communicate your brand and stand out from the competition. Our experienced team is committed to creating both engaging and informative videos that reflect your brand image and help increase your visibility and engagement. We assist you in finding the best way to communicate with your customers, create effective and targeted video campaigns, and achieve your marketing goals.

clap cinema

25 images Production is first and foremost a team at your service. We support you throughout your video project from conception to completion

Prise de vue en studio

25 Images Production is a leading video creation and production agency in Fontainebleau.
Video marketing, event video, direct live, wedding reporting are our core business.

Our different types of production

prise de vue de Procédé industriel


présentation du produit par le client


Interview client





Dicussion en direct

Direct Live

Presentation par le client


Shooting événement festif

Concert Gala

Tournage danseuse


Reportage exterieur


video mariage Fontainebleau


Shooing mariage


Pilote de Drone

Aerial views

The advertising video

Dessin sur la video publicitaire

Video marketing is one of the most powerful  channels to leverage as part of a content marketing strategy. It serves to promote your offer to consumers who are increasingly fond of this type of content.

But the power of video marketing doesn't stop there. It can also be used to support your customers throughout their relationship with your brand, helping you to interact with them and build loyalty.

The 3 phases of a project

Direct live

Assemblée fimée en direct

The live live event whether it is a business seminar, a city council, training, family event such as a wedding is a response to the difficulty of gathering an audience. The reasons can be health, costs and environmental.

We adapt to your constraints of places and schedules.

The event video

Each event of our life is important, being able to immortalize these moments allows us to relive the emotion, the energy of these strong moments. We offer to accompany you throughout your project in order to capture them in all their authenticity. 

Evénement festif

The wedding video

Vol de Drone

The video report of your wedding is certainly the gift that will be watched the most by your families, your friends and future generations. Imagine the pleasure of your children to be able to feel the emotion of their parents' marriage. We accompany you throughout your wedding, from the preparation, the ceremonies, the cocktails, the meal, the dance party, even the next day. We develop with you   the tone of the video report you want as well as the highlights of this unique moment.

Our team

Benjamin Gaboré

Benjamin GABORÉ

is an editor, graphic designer and cameraman.

Trained in a digital art school and then a license as a fake editor followed by a year of apprenticeship in directing.

Benjamin has participated in the production of documentaries, the post-production of an election campaign and various graphic productions for Netflix.

Philippe GABORÉ 

is a former sales engineer at an American high-tech company .

A passionate photographer and videographer, Philippe uses his marketing, sales and project management experience for our clients.


Portrait de Philippe Gaboré
Ancre 1
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Our values

Benjamin and Philippe, the founders of 25 Images production,   passionate about images put their experience at your service.
We make it a point of honor to take the necessary time   with you to understand your job, your requirements, your desires, your dreams and your challenges.
This upstream work is essential for us to the success of your video clip. We are also constantly seeking to optimize your budgets through rigorous project management. Our attentiveness, kindness and good humor will accompany you throughout our collaboration. We want to be your video marketing partner. Be demanding, we love challenges.

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